News about lab, Wang, etc.
Dr. Barlow and Dr. Wang gave 35 summer camp students from Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science & Management a tour at CB3. Dr. Mathur, Fatima and Cristal participated and demonstrated how the MRI simulator system works. When the group arrived at CB3, they were given a 30-minute introduction session about the center and…
The NL3 Lab starts a new study investigating outcomes for cochlear implant. This study aims to use brain image to identify neural predictors of outcomes for a cochlear implant. The neural predictors may provide a more comprehensive understanding of individual variability in CI outcomes and thus more reliably inform prognosis. More info
The NL3 Lab starts a new study of the reading brain in children with and without hearing loss. Based on current behavioral studies, it remains unknown whether children with hearing loss (CHL) use neural processes that are similar to those used by children with typical hearing (CTH) while learning to read. The specific neural…
Title: The Reading Brain – White matter development in children at risk for dyslexia Abstract: Developmental dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a strong genetic basis. Previous studies observed white matter alterations in the left posterior brain regions in adults and school age children with dyslexia. However, no study yet has examined the development of…
The Spring Research Fair (Undergraduate Research Conference) was held on April 11, 2018 at the Nebraska Union. UCare students Laura Munn, Ellie Watkins and Nicole Walters presented their research poster titled “Brain connectivity related to executive function in children with and without a familial risk for dyslexia”. They were able to present their findings as…
Dr. Wang’s proposal titled “Identifying Neural and Behavioral Characteristics of Reading in Children with Hearing Loss” was favorably reviewed and awarded $10,000.00 from the Layman Fund, held at the University of Nebraska Foundation. The Layman Award project period will be from May 1, 2018, to April 30, 2019. Dr. Wang’s application to the Layman Seed…
Dr. Wang and her husband participated in this event. The third annual Aphasia Awareness Walk, hosted by speech-language pathology students and professors in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders, took place at 9 a.m. on Saturday, June 17, on East Campus. Aphasia is a disorder of understanding and using symbols,…
The Spring Research Fair (Undergraduate Research Conference) was held on April 4, 2017 at the Nebraska Union. UCare students Katie Monson, Laura Munn and Ellie Watkins presented their first research poster titled “Investigating executive function in children at-risk for developmental dyslexia (DD) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)”. Both Katie and Laura’s mother came to…
Dr. Ronnie D. Green was appointed as the 20th chancellor of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln on May 8, 2016. The official installation ceremony took place on April 6, 2017. As a junior faculty, Dr. Wang was thrilled to have this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Green in person. She also had a great opportunity to meet…
Each March, the Brain Injury Association of America observes Brain Injury Awareness Month. At the same time, the Society for Neuroscience recognized Brain Awareness Week March 13-19. In conjunction with these two annual events, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders is highlighting the work of three faculty members whose research…