Dr. Wang Gave a Talk at the “Cabin”
Dr. Mike Dodd, Associate Professor from the Department of Psychology invited Dr. Wang to give a talk at the “Cabin” which is like a course in seminar format offered to graduate students.
Dr. Mike Dodd, Associate Professor from the Department of Psychology invited Dr. Wang to give a talk at the “Cabin” which is like a course in seminar format offered to graduate students.
Dr. Shah from QuSpin visited CB3. He brought Atomic MEG sensor for testing. The picture showed him and Dr. Barlow was testing the sensor using the magnetic shield bore from the Department of Physics. Photo gallery:
AFNI group came to CB3 and offered faculty and students a-week AFNI training course. AFNI (Analysis of Functional NeuroImages) is a set of C programs for processing, analyzing, and displaying functional MRI (FMRI) data – a technique for mapping human brain activity. It runs on Unix+X11+Motif systems, including SGI, Solaris, Linux, and Mac OS X.…
The Dyslexia Foundation EXTRAORDINARY BRAIN SYMPOSIUM XV with a focus on “The Geschwind – Galaburda Hypothesis 30 years later” was held on June 19-24, 2016 at the Buccaneer Hotel at St. Croix, US Virgin Islands. Dr. Wang gave her oral presentation on the topic of Neural substrates of the executive attention network in children at-risk…
Dr. Wang gave a presentation about her research plan at the MRI Users’ Meeting organized by Dr. Jennifer Nelson.
Dr. Wang presented her work at the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools (CYFS) Summit on Research in Early Childhood on April 7th at the Lincoln Cornhusker. This is a great opportunity to connect the research, practice and policy communities in Nebraska. This event is being jointly sponsored by CYFS, the…
Dr. Wang attended the 2016 Cognitive Neuroscience Conference held in New York City (NYC) from April 1-5, 2016. Her post’s title is “Development of tract-specific white matter pathways during early reading development in at-risk children and typical controls”. The research findings show white matter alterations and atypical lateralization of the arcuate fasciculus at the prereading…
Dr. Lily Wang, Professor from the Department of Engineering invited Dr. Wang to give a talk at the Biomedical Engineering (BME) seminar.
Dr. Cress, Associate Professor from the Department of Special Education and Communication Disorders invited Dr. Wang to give a talk at the Brown bag seminar which aims to raise students’ interests in research.