Dr. Wang Gave Talk at Department of Statistics

Title: The Reading Brain – White matter development in children at risk for dyslexia Abstract: Developmental dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder with a strong genetic basis. Previous studies observed white matter alterations in the left posterior brain regions in adults and school age children with dyslexia. However, no study yet has examined the development of…

Scholar Enhancement Program-DC Trip

The College of Education and Human Science (CEHS) offers a scholar enhancement program which helps new faculty members navigator academic career. A team of 14 faculties went to Washington, DC and aimed to meet many officers from different funding agencies including the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institution of Health (NIH), and Institute of Educational…

2018 Spring Research Fair

The Spring Research Fair (Undergraduate Research Conference) was held on April 11, 2018 at the Nebraska Union. UCare students Laura Munn, Ellie Watkins and Nicole Walters presented their research poster titled “Brain connectivity related to executive function in children with and without a familial risk for dyslexia”. They were able to present their findings as…