UNL Spring Research Fair

The Spring Research Fair (Undergraduate Research Conference) was held on April 4, 2017 at the Nebraska Union. UCare students Katie Monson, Laura Munn and Ellie Watkins presented their first research poster titled “Investigating executive function in children at-risk for developmental dyslexia (DD) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)”. Both Katie and Laura’s mother came to…

The 20th Chancellor Installation Ceremony

Dr. Ronnie D. Green was appointed as the 20th chancellor of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln on May 8, 2016. The official installation ceremony took place on April 6, 2017. As a junior faculty, Dr. Wang was thrilled to have this opportunity to congratulate Dr. Green in person. She also had a great opportunity to meet…

Nebraska Lecture Kicked Off

Nebraska Lecture kicked off on April 3, 2017 with the opening speaker, Dr. Victoria Molfese. As an expert in cognitive development of infants, children and adults, she said research on childhood reading has advanced at a rapid pace during the past 30 years. The result is an ever-growing volume of information that may overwhelm parents,…